We baby sat a home with some farm animals last week. An easy task, I’d say.
I was warned a bout the ram.
I don’t know this fellow’s name…. |
A nice looking fellow.
I was warned not to go into the pen, because I would very quickly be on my butt. He looked pretty calm to me.
This morning, I gave him fresh water, through the fence, but the bowl for his oats were a little distance from the fence- but close to the gate. Protected by a fence board from any onslaughts, I held the board at his head level and against my legs. I meekly entered the gate. I had not stepped into the pen before he head butted the board, cracked the board and off course I made my escape. Phew, that was close!
I have re-named him “Stew”
You may be wondering what this story has to do with mason bees. Since all the mason bees are in their cocoons and are awaiting fall cleaning, I am enjoyed a few days away on a farm on Vancouver Island.