I always thought (wrong) that all bees have hairs. Well it seems that the groups and families I studied had hairs, but here is a little bee that flies around in the summer that has no hairs. You may wonder how it collects pollen.

Larvae in 2 cells.
Here is what Dr. Jim Cane had to say after he saw these amazing pictures-
“Margriet- I think that may be a little Hylaeus bee. That would explain what looks to be a few yellow marks, and the “webbing’ would then be the polyester lining that they synthesize from Dufrou’s secretion. Common name of “masked bees”, which should be evident to Jack from two yellow triangles to the interior of the eyes, and a hairless appearance (carry pollen in the crop). Would be VERY cool to watch in an observation nest! I am envious! They are around here, to be sure, but I have so far failed at all attempts to trap nest them (most recently used bundles of coarsely-corrugated cardboard, which decades ago, Phil Torchio used successfully).
Hello Jim, Thank you for the most interesting information. I agree that the Beediverse viewing home is a great tool and will give people an improved and greater experience with bees. Fancy being able to see a bee egg and watch it develop from a larvae and into an adult bee. I read through the Torchio article you emailed to me. The detail that Phil Torchio collected on this bee is astounding. I must write another blog about this most interesting and primitive bee!