Insect Hotel: No Vacancy

Our insect homes are living up to their name! John Mc.  reported a find that he had not seen before.  Grass sticking out of his wooden mason bee nesting trays! Curious he decided to peek inside. On  closer inspection he found some very large pupae and some hatched small green grass hoppers. From the photo, the pupae and the adult grass hoppers seem to be the same insect.  A small dry space seemed perfect for these hoppers! Looks like all our rooms are full this time around! All the more need for more homes and trays!
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3 replies on “Insect Hotel: No Vacancy

  • Jean Natter

    The green insects in the nests did not hatch there. Instead, they are grasshoppers that were collected and placed in the nesting tubes as food for the larvae of a grass-carrying wasp. This wasp is a local native beneficial wasp that will nest in the same diameter tubes as will mason bees.
    The species of grass-carrying wasp here in the upper Willamette Valley is Isodontia elegans.

    One of the local Master Gardeners first noticed the Isodontia in his trays several years ago and has since recorded numerous additional nests. His work has lead to an update on the Discover Life site to include this species on their distribution map in Oregon. Minimal information is available about Isodontia species.

  • Jean Natter

    Grass-carrying wasp(s) is/are at work;. In the northern Willamette Valley, OR, they’re Isodontia elegans. The green insects are food for her larvae.


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