Overview of Bee cocoons

We have two types of bees available, one for the spring- mason bees, and one for the summer months- leafcutter bees.

Both overwinter inside cocoons and cocoons are shipped during the winter and early spring while they overwinter.  It is best to order in winter before Dec 31st so they can be shipped without ice packs, which increases shipping costs.  Cocoons are packed in small cardboard boxes, 10 to a box.

Mason bees are larger and need larger nesting diameter tunnels (5/16″/7.5mm) than the smaller leafcutter bees (6.0mm).

When you receive your mason bees, refrigerate in a Humidity cooler or like container, keeping cocoons moist and cold  (2-4C/35-38F).  Do NOT freeze.

Just before spring, when dandelions are just about in bloom, set them out under cover of a bee home and adjacent nesting tunnels before flowers open in the spring.

Leafcutter bees   Beediverse will store cocoons in a warm area for a week in late May.  Then we will ship them to our customers on June 1st.  Set them out adjacent to your nesting tunnels for leafcutter bees.  Bees will emerge about July.
