This is best shrub you can buy for Mason Bees. Pieris japonica. Prune every fall after bloom and blooms will abound. It blooms in early spring when mason bees are emerging.

Ground covers a boon for hotty sunny weather and container gardening.

Lupines are a great summer plant . Lots of bee forage in these!
Gardening for bees is a lot of fun. One way of creating space for bee attractive plants is to create an edge of plants adjacent to your lawns.
Bees need food in the form of pollen and nectar. Therefore choose plants that are attractive to bees and that are suitable for your region. The ultimate is to have flowers blooming throughout the spring, summer and autumn because different species of bees abound at different times of the year.
A great way to see what attract bees is to go to a nursery at different times of the year and see which plant are the most attractive to bees. It is a fun way to go shopping. Go shopping for garden plants on a sunny day. The mornings are usually the best time to do this. Have fun and send us your pictures. The bees will love your garden and they will come back every year for your enjoyment.
This is a great fact sheet on what to consider when gardening for bees. Link to fact sheet.
Elaine Garry
That shrub I believe is cotoneaster