Fall workshops and what we have discovered so far.
Workshops are a fun activity for beginners and others who want to share their experiences.
Continue ReadingWorkshops are a fun activity for beginners and others who want to share their experiences.
Continue ReadingHere are a few pictures of the candling process and the things we saw when…
Continue ReadingMason Bees will nest in the strangest of places. Remember my blog on nests found…
Continue ReadingFrom G.B. “I was splitting wood and discovered leaf like cocoons. They are about 1…
Continue ReadingAt my recent workshop, I stressed that the location of a bee home is the…
Continue ReadingThanks Susan SH. Wonderful photos. These grubs are fruit fly larvae. They will use the…
Continue ReadingAt the start of the SI apple festival, volunteers sort through bags and bags of…
Continue ReadingNest plugs come in all forms and contain a variety of materials. The USDA has…
Continue ReadingHundreds of leafcutter bees buzzing around after safely emerging. Listen to their buzz. .
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