To Dr Margriet Dogterom,
My Grandson’s monetary Scout Project is to make money for the Scout Jamboree in NS. This project started me with Mason Bees for New Brunswick area along with a retired bee keeper/neighbor. Picture #3045 is my first prototype after reviewing video’s on the internet about mason and leaf cutter bees. These worked well in trees near to flower and vegetable gardens (interesting for talkative neighbors). In picture #3071, the 10 houses on top, were built for a blueberry farmer to place in his fields. The next 5 houses were built to place in Kingsbra Gardens- similar to Buchard Gardens in BC, but smaller. In the town of St. Andrews (named as the best tourist town in 2017) Mason bees are not known here at all, it is hard to promote….. to get houses set up in public places.