723.04 Mason Bee Cocoons-Order now for next season

US$ 22.06

  • CAD: CA$ 29.99

see video 

Order now for next season. Mason bees will be harvested and cleaned and ready to ship in early January 2020

Order your cocoons and own them., keep them from year to year for pollinating your spring flowers.  Mason bees are pretty cool to have in a garden.  After emerging from their long winter sleep, bees emerge and visit flowers to collect pollen.  They come back to the nest covered in pollen to feed their young.  Watch this great video of mason bees pollinating kale flowers.  Their antics are fun to watch AND THEY ARE FAST.

  • Male mason bee feeding on nectar inside a dandelion flower.

Cocoons are harvested in November, cleaned, candled, packaged and stored at 2-4 C until shipping.  Shipping begins in November and continues until late spring or until quantities last.

From Feb to May, packages of cocoons are shipped on ice and in a humidity cooler to ensure bee hibernation continues until package arrives at its destination.

One box of cocoons contains 10 cocoons plus a few extra. Boxes can be set out adjacent to nesting tunnels in readiness for blossom time.

The Spring Mason Bee is a friendly early spring pollinator that emerges when tree fruit blossoms and blueberry blossoms bloom.

Either set them out on receipt of your cocoons,  or store them until early spring in a humidity COOLER (item number 850.01) and inside a fridge until blossoms are in bloom.  Just add 1/2 cup of water to one side of the divider and cocoons on the other.  About 100 cocoons  can be comfortably stored in one humidity COOLER.

Set cocoons out no later than about mid May.



Additional information

Weight 2.0 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 15 cm


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